Insider Outsiders and/or Outsider Insiders? A Proposal Against the Devil’s Bargains of Assimilation or Consumerism for the Formation of (Transracially Adopted) Identity

I hope not to retread overly well-worn material (about the problems or issues of identity), but I feel some threads currently adrift in the ether might usefully get woven together in (something that at least might seem for a  moment) a new configuration. I apologize if this gets longer than desirable (the long post-title makes […]

Adoption/Orphan Narrative in Moonrise Kingdom

Someone recently treated me to the new Wes Anderson movie Moonrise Kingdom, which apparently has been getting all kinds of raves–so that’s a bad sign already. (I’m signalling my take on the movie already; I can’t recommend it too little). And now, I’m going to shamelessly ruin most of the plot for you. Here goes: […]