Why Asian Adoptees Need to Give a Shit about #BlackLivesMatter

I don’t remember the first time someone told me I was White. But I definitely remember the last. It was the summer of my junior year in college and I was a new student orientation leader. My university was diverse but mostly segregated, and this staff was about half White and half Black – plus […]

The empty circle: honoring and validating our complex identities

****This is my first post with TRE and I would like to share my gratitude to Daniel and the other contributors for this space. And for you, readers. I have this memory from 3rd grade. On the surface, it’s a fairly mundane image; I am staring at a piece of paper with a large circle […]

Do you think transracial adoption is easier on the adoptee when at least one of the AP is from the same racial background?

I have been reading your blog with some interest as myself (British) and my husband (Indonesian) are just starting the process of adopting. We plan to adopt in my husband’s home country of Indonesia and plan on living there for the foreseeable future. So my question is as adoptees do you think you would have […]